Feng shui (風水), also known as Chinese geomancy, is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics, use for harmonizing flow of energies in our working or living environment to help one improve life by receiving positive qi.

The five Feng Shui Elements
Feng Shui Cures for the Five Elements

One of the basic principles of feng shui is the principle of five elements, which are Wood (木), Fire (火), Earth (土), Metal (金) and Water(水). These feng shui elements interact between themselves in many ways, generally defined as the productive and destructive cycles.

In the PRODUCTIVE CYCLE - These element relations are conducive, beneficial, congenial, friendly, supporting and generating.(Affinity Relationship):
Water generates Wood - Water is the mother of Wood
Wood generates Fire - Wood is the mother of Fire
Fire generates Earth - Fire is the mother of Earth
Earth generates Metal - Earth is the mother of Metal
Metal generates Water - Metal is the mother of Water

In the DESTRUCTIVE CYCLE - The elements have the capability to destroy, defeat, overcome and overwhelm the other elements as well. (Destructive Relationship):
Water can extinguish Fire
Wood can break the Earth
Fire can melt Metal
Earth can make Water disappear
Metal can break Wood

Here is the color correspondence of each of the five feng shui elements:
•WOOD : Green, Brown
•FIRE : Red, Strong Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink
•EARTH: Light Yellow, Sandy/Earthy, Light Brown
•METAL: White, Gray
•WATER: Blue, Black

Knowing how to use the five feng shui elements to strengthen and balance the energy of your home is a complex feng shui subject, but there are always basics to it.

To Know which element is lacking in your environment, you will need to know your Birth astrological element. Which can be based on your birth date and time.

The right placement of feng shui colors is defined by the Luo Pan (feng shui campass) or the feng shui energy map of your environment. I will later write another topic about Luo Pan or the Feng Shui Campass.
Vintage Feng Shui Luo Pan (Chinese Compass) W. Case
Feng Shui

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