Feng shui (風水), also known as Chinese geomancy, is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics, use for harmonizing flow of energies in our working or living environment to help one improve life by receiving positive qi.

What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed in Ancient China. It is a complex body of knowledge to balance the energies of any given space or environment to assure the health and good fortune for the people inhabiting it.
It all boils down to the word BALANCE which will bring about the smooth flow of qi (chi) and elemental factors all around us.

Feng Shui is based on the understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with qi (Chi), or energy. The ancient Chinese believed that the land's energy could either make or break a kingdom or person, so to speak. The theories of yin and yang, as well as the five feng shui elements, are some of the basic aspects of a feng shui analysis.

Bear in mind this though, not one feng shui setting is suitable for all, each individual person with their different environment needs different elemental help of feng shui, so what works for one may be bad for the other.

For beginners or enthusiast who wants to start learning more about Feng Shui, what better book to start off with than: Feng Shui for Dummies:

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